Planning your own event for urticaria day is a great idea! Post the details of your event here to have it added to our event list, and enable everyone to participate. Whether you throw a party, start a local self-help group or raise awareness for urticaria in a differnt way: Spread the word and make October 1st a memorable day!
Do you need help with the upload?
DISCLAIMER: Whilst all reasonable endeavour has been used to ensure accuracy and completeness of the details of the events listed, Urticaria organisers of urticaria day are not responsible for the events themselves and actual details may differ from those on the site. Please check with the listed contact for the event for full details.
Be part of it:
Urtikaria Online-Woche des Deutschen Allergie- und Asthmabundes e.V. – DAAB in Kooperation mit UNEV e.V. Nesselsucht, Angioödem & Co im Fokus am 1.10.- 8.10.2020